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Some things i wish i knew when i first started my OnlyFans

Posted by | October 26, 2022

Posted originally by u/squishytomata on Reddit.

Context: started in early 2020 when i was in a tough spot financially and have been doing it full time since. i made the most $$ in april 2021, but i've still been able to consistently make $20k+ per month for the past year or so. i am white, with smaller tits and a big butt (faceless)

the main place i use has been reddit since the start. i use twitter, fetlife and sometimes insta too.

my OF is $12 and minimal ppv. most of my content is unlocked when you sub. i post 3-4 times per week, mostly pics and short videos and 1 longer video per month.

🚨 some things i wish i knew when i first started:

🚨 i know this advice has been given a lot, but i think it bears repeating since it made such a difference for me - have a pinned post on reddit with your OF/paid pages link and info about it. make your paid page bio descriptive of what comes with a subscription (important!)

🚨 on reddit- wait until the post at the top of hot is 8+ hours old to post. posts at the top of hot get more upvotes, if the top post is older you will have a higher chance of becoming the top post

🚨 a trimmer is much quicker than a razor to shave, you can barely even see the difference when the camera is not super close

🚨 make sure to wipe your camera lens before making content. there have been times where my camera quality looked bad and it turned out i just had a smudge on the lens lmao. so now i always check (i use my iphone to make all my content)

🚨 do not respond to rude comments, i used to reply to them but it seemed to make me get more rude comments bc they saw those are the ones i respond to

🚨 make an album on your phone for content inspiration. i save pics i see online of positions/angles that give me ideas and it has been super helpful

🚨 watermark your OF content with your LINK! i used to only watermark with my username, but it was so small that thieves put their watermark over mine. this also prevents them from posting it to reddit, since most subreddits don't allow link watermarks. i make it big and transparent on my OF vids. i try to put it in a spot where it doesn't detract from it. i haven't had any fans with an issue.

🚨 do what you're comfy with. you don't have to post/reply everyday on OF or offer sexting/customs/etc if you don't want to. just make sure you don't say otherwise (like saying you reply fast when you don't)

🚨 do not be afraid to restrict/block subscribers that are rude or make you uncomfortable (i usually restrict so they don't get a full refund) i used let people walk all over me bc i felt like i HAD to deal with it since they paid to subscribe, but that's not true

i know everyone does things differently, but these are things i do and they have worked for me. i could probably go on all day, but this is just what i could think of off the top of my head!

How to promote?

okay yes i do have more advice on how i promote πŸ’—

Something that i avoid doing is posting the same pic/gif over and over in the same day. a lot of subreddits consider that as "spam" and it can be off putting to potential subscribers to see the same pic repeated so many times

so what i do is spread it out, instead of using the same pic in 10+ different subreddits in one day - i only post it in 1 or sometimes 2 subreddits in the same day. but overtime i will eventually have it posted to many subreddits, i just spread out over the course of a few months so it doesn't look super repetitive on my profile. i wait 1 day after my posts and delete the ones that got less than 200 upvotes in subreddits that allow deleting. some subreddits will permaban you for deleting your stuff but most are cool with it as long as you don't repost/wait a few weeks to repost the same content (or but sometimes i keep them up with low upvotes if it's a pic/gif i haven't used in a long time)

over the 2 years i've been doing this, i've gotten a lot of content saved up that i use for promotion. i have an album on my phone called "promo" and also one called "gifs". i have like 200+ promo pics and 100 gifs that i cycle through and i add a few news one per week.

so when i go to post on reddit, i scroll on my homepage and popular for a few mins (i try to use reddit like a normal person on my creator account) i use my tablet for all of my work stuff and i have a list of all of the subreddits i can post in. i have them favorited on reddit and have a pic of it on my phone. i start going through those subreddits one by one to find one that has a hot post that's 8+ hours old. i screenshot the ones that are "ready" for me to post.

then i choose one to post in and search author:squishytomata in the subreddit search bar so it shows all of my past posts there. that's when i will figure out what i haven't posted there yet and decide what to post there next. once i make my post there, i will continue scrolling through reddit like a normal person for a few minutes before making a post in another subreddit.

i do this over the course of 2-3 hours and end up 4-8ish posts depending on the day. instead of posting a lot of posts that will get 50-100 upvotes i try to get at least 1 or 2 a day that get 1000 upvotes or more.

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